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Last updated on December 25th, 2015 at 11:12 pm
Cosmetic gifts, sometimes come in the prettiest boxes and most of the boxes are good strong and sturdy boxes that can be used for all kinds of things.
Hubby received this box which contained cologne for his birthday. The box is lined with a pretty tan velvet and the outside is a heavy brown vinyl. I just couldn’t bring myself to toss this box and decided that hubby could use a handsome stash box for dumping his pocket contents into (instead of throwing everything onto the top of the night table).
Craft Supplies:
» Gift Box (this is a box that Ralph Lauren Cologne came packaged in)
» Brass Corners
» Small Hinges
» Gold Paint
» Super Glue or glue suitable to adhere wood to box material
» optional: 4 Small Wood Balls (flat on one side)
All I did was screw the corner pieces to the box top. You can, if you prefer, also glue these in place, but I found that this box was thick enough to support the screws.
I attached two little brass hinges to the back.
You can paint a small round wood ball gold and glue it to the front lid, to use as a handle for opening and closing. Or watch out for a suitable fancy button that would work as a handle.
You can also add four little wood balls (painted gold) to the bottom to act as legs. I may add these later. Either use the kind that have a flattened side to them, or file down part of each wooden ball to make it flat. This is the edge that you glue to the box to provide a firm hold.
Copyright © 1999-2014 Susan Spatone All rights reserved.
Published with permission from CraftAtHome.com
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