Last updated on February 28th, 2023 at 04:09 pm

Memory Blue Jean Tote to make from old blue jeans, leftover fabric scraps, ribbons, and buttons.
Design by: Laura Koob
Get out those old or ripped blue jeans that family members have cast aside and sew a denim memory tote bag for shopping. This is more of a sewing project than a sewing pattern, although you’ll be sewing together lots of memories!
Everyone in your family will be remembered with this tote made from pieces of denim jeans, skirts or jackets.

Note: This free sewing project assumes that you have basic sewing skills on a sewing machine.
You Will Need:
- Sewing machine
- Old ripped or stained blue jeans
- Leftover 100% cotton fabric scraps
- Sewing thread
- Scissors
- Leftover trim and buttons (optional)

Sewing Instructions:
1. Pick out old blue jeans or cast-off denim clothes previously worn by members of your family. You’ll want enough to take a sample from each person for this memory blue jean tote.

Start cutting pieces of jeans and pockets to put outside and inside your tote.
Little sections with brand names, like the iconic red Levi’s label, can really pop out on this project. Ideally, try for a mixed variety of denim colors and textures.
You can add buttons, trim, and fabric photos, such as photos of your family or art work, for more interest.
2. Decide on the size of your tote. A rectangle shape is nice for easy sewing. You can make a lining out of the old jeans but it’s probably easier to use a thinner, 100% cotton fabric for the lining.
Start piecing the jeans and fabric together using a zigzag stitch on your sewing machine.

Make sure you go over each piece twice because this makes the fabric much stronger for wear and washings.
See How to Zig Zag on for hints and tips on the uses and best settings for sewing machine zig zag stitches.
An Inside Look at the Memory Tote Bag
3. Here’s an inside look at the memory tote bag made by designer, Laura Koob.

The photos show both sides of the tote bag, turned inside out.
Note the addition of denim jean pockets which provide handy separators for items placed inside the tote.

4. Add Straps! You can add straps to the memory tote bag by using strips of strong blue jean material sewn to the upper section of the bag, sewing the straps between the liner and the pieced-together bag front.
Thinner denim fabric can also make strong and sturdy tote straps. See How to Sew and Turn Straps for hints on how to do this effectively and efficiently.
5. Have fun making your memory tote and enjoy years of use.
About the designer and author:
Laura Koob is an original artist who has images of her work throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. She is a self-taught artist who works with painting, sewing and photography and has copyright images dating back to 1983.
Related Resources:
Recycled Scraps T-Shirt by Laura Koob – Give new life to a stained or torn favorite t-shirt!
Zig Zag Stitch: Best Settings, Hints and Tips for using zig zag on the sewing machine.
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