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Last updated on December 26th, 2015 at 01:17 am
Here’s an idea to dress up your jeans – just add lengths of ribbon at the jean leg hems and, if you wish, at the top of the pockets.
With the wide range of ribbons and lace trim available today, you can get a designer look for a fraction of the price that you’ll pay for jeans in a designer boutique.
If you have a pair of jeans with legs that are a fraction too short, you can also use this technique to lengthen the legs by an inch or so. Just choose a wide lace to sew on the jean legs, allowing the ribbon to extend beyond the hem by the amount that you need.
Craft Supplies:
- Denim jeans
- Lace or ribbon
- Fusible webbing or Needle and Thread to match lace
First, measure around the bottom leg of your jeans. Measure each leg separately as they could be slightly different sizes. Measure across the pocket and cut your ribbon or lace trim accordingly, leaving about one inch extra on all pieces.
To attach the ribbon, you can use a fusible web, that is simply ironed between the lace and demin or sew the trim to the denim using a large stitch. To hide the finishing ends of the trim, fold the ends under before securing in place. This gives a nice clean finish to the ends.
The close-up photo on this page shows where on the pocket to attach the trim, as well as on the leg bottom.
Copyright © 1999-2015 Susan Spatone All rights reserved. Published with permission from CraftAtHome.com
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