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Last updated on June 16th, 2015 at 12:32 am
Embellish plain magazine organizers with textured paper in this easy paper craft project.
Craft Supplies:
- Cardboard Magazine Holders (available at office supply stores, or make your own Recycled Magazine Holders from cereal or wine boxes)
- Texture wallpaper (purchase end of the line or seconds)
- Acrylic paint
- Sponge
- Craft knife
Craft Instructions:
These magazine holders take no time at all and look wonderful. The centre holders are full of magazines too, I’ve just turned them backward to look nicer. At the top of each holder I have a piece of ribbon with the name of the magazines in that particular holder for easy reference.
Begin by rolling out your wallpaper piece, place your magazine holder on the paper and draw around the outline with a pencil on the wrong side of the paper, turn the box as you go and you will have a perfect template to cut. I did not cover the bottom of the holders, only the sides. You could add a piece of wallpaper or felt to the bottom surface if you like.
If you are making more than one, don’t cut all of your paper with the same template. The holders are not always exactly the same size. I found this out when making mine. Be sure to mark each template according to the holder it will be applied to.
Run your paper through warm water if pre-pasted or add paste to the paper if not. Apply it to your holder and with a sponge gently smooth out the paper and press all edges firmly. Set aside and allow to dry completely. These will dry fairly quickly. If you have any edges that the paper is hanging over slightly, just trim away the overhang with a craft knife.
Now that your paper is dry, mix together 1 part water to 1 part acrylic paint and mix well. Dip a piece of sponge or cloth into the paint and wash the entire wallpapered surface, filling all the grooves and crevices. Allow to dry. If you don’t particularly like the colour of your wallpaper just give it a coat of paint in the colour that you prefer, and allow that to dry before washing on another colour.
If you are happy with the colour. then you are all done. If not, just repeat the painting process until you reach the desired effect. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colours as two or three different shades of the same colour look great too.
My holders were done with one colour only, some white, some yellow and some green. I chose these colors to make the decor of my room. When displaying them, I alternated colours and they do look quite nice. These holders are placed on a large headboard bookcase and allow me easy access to all of them.
Copyright © 1999-2015 Susan Spatone All rights reserved. Published with permission from CraftAtHome.com
Editor’s Tips:
»» Plastic or hardboard magazine holders are often found at thrift stores. They may be mismatched in color and styling, but covering them with textured paper is one easy and inexpensive way to create a uniform set for your magazine collection .
~ by Jane Lake
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