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Last updated on October 16th, 2015 at 09:50 pm
How to Make a Clover Pillow, Clover Brushes and Clover Centerpiece and other Nature Craft Ideas from 1904
Extracted from The Woman’s Magazine, July 1904
by Jane Lake
Scanned images and text Copyright © AllFreeCrafts.com 2005-2014 All Rights Reserved
The front page of the July 1904 issue of The Woman’s Magazine boasted that this popular magazine had “The Largest PAID SUBSCRIPTION of any Publication in the World.”
Inside, the ladies of the day could read the regular editorials on Health and Beauty, Horticulture, Fashions, Feminine Philosophy, About the House (household hints) and Hints on Etiquette. The two page centerfold was a photo spread of the “Strange Foreigners and Savage Tribes” present at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.
One regular feature was “Fancy Work by Maie Cabot,” which included sewing suggestions for well-fitting slipcovers, a discussion on the colors to use for “The Summer Bedroom,” and an interesting selection of clover crafts and other nature crafts, reprinted here.
For a Clover Pillow
The list of summer pillows would not be complete if it did not include one filled with dried clover blossoms. Select a sheer material and embroider a few scattered blossoms. Clover is now in bloom and every field, country lane and roadside is filled with its clearn, fragrant breath. Pluck your blossoms now and dry them in the shade, turning them often until well cured, and while this process is going on, embroider your pillow cover.
Clover Brushes for the Closet
Cut the blossoms with long stems and while the stalks are still pliant, tie them close to the flower end with a piece of cord. Now plait the stems and tie at the end with a narrow ribbon. If these are hung among the clothing in the closet, they will do much to redeem the close, stuffy atmosphere in summer.
Clover Centerpiece
For the dining table at this season, nothing is sweeter than a big bowl of pinky white clover, with a border around the edge of its own leaves. Placed on a dainty center piece or doily, its simple beauty and sweet odor can not be ignored.
Pillow Fillings
Corn husks torn in narrow strips make a light, cool filling for summer pillows. Hay cut fine is another filling that gives a cool effect, and a pleasant odor.
Pillow Covers
The Gibson girl still looms up on the summer pillow.
Embroidered Grass Cloth Pillow Cover
An attractive pillow cover is of sheer grass cloth, embroidered with pine cones in their natural shades of warm green and brown, and the needles done in outline stitch, in dark green. This is finished with a hem stitched ruffle of the grass cloth. Its odor assures us that the filling corresponds to the embroidery.
Gather Ferns
During your walks through the woods when on your vacation, gather all the ferns you can carry. Select perfect ones, lay smoothly between newspapers and put to press under a trunk. These may remain without change of papers until returning to the city. Fill rose bowls half full of sand and stick these preserved ferns in them. Place these about your rooms, and you will have woodsy spots all winter. If the ferns become dusty, wash them gently. The smallest ferns may be used with fresh flowers for decorating the table.
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