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Last updated on December 25th, 2015 at 11:58 pm
Mom’s CD or DVD letter holder is made 3 or 4 cds or dvds, a styrofoam heart shape and a small amount of fabric.
Designed by: Kathleen George
Typical Project Completion Time: 1-2 hours
Reuse three or four old CD’s or scratched DVD’s and make Mom a lovely letter or note holder for Mother’s Day.
STYROFOAM® Brand Foam:
Heart, 6″ x 1″
Other Materials:
Recycled compact discs (CDs or DVDs), three or four
Floral fabric “fat quarter” (from quilting department)
Coordinating silk flowers, two small bunches
Serrated knife
Candle stub or paraffin
Wide flat paintbrush
Paper towels
Low-temp glue gun and glue sticks
Thick, white craft glue
Project Instructions:
1. Cut three or four 5-1/2″ squares from fabric. For each CD, spread thin layer of white glue over label side and smooth a fabric square over glue; let dry and trim excess.
2. Cut two 1-1/2″ x 12″ strips from fabric. Glue fabric strips around edge of foam heart, overlapping as needed. Clip corners and fold excess fabric to bottom; glue to secure. Note: If desired, trace heart onto wrong side of fabric and cut out; glue to bottom of heart.
3. To make inserting discs easier, first cut 3/8″-deep, equally-spaced parallel grooves into top of foam heart. Cut straight down, not at an angle. Apply thin line of white glue along each CD slit and press discs 1/2″ to 3/4″ deep into slit.
4. Glue silk flower bunch to each side of discs as shown.
Project reprinted courtesy of The Dow Chemical Company, Manufacturer of Genuine STYROFOAM® Brand Foam.
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