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Last updated on February 4th, 2021 at 11:22 am

“Practical sockees … are just the thing for tennis, golf or badminton. They make your feet so comfortable in your sport shoes.”
The popularity of the Classic Men’s Socks Knitting Pattern convinced me that there might be interest in a classic free knitting pattern for women’s sports socks – so here you have it. The pattern dates from the 1938 edition of the Lux Knitting Book.
Before beginning to work, read Lux Knitting Tips for information on abbreviations, yarn substitutions and more.
Materials: 2 ozs. 4-ply fingering wool; 1 set of 4 No. 13 needles.
Size: May be made 9, 9½ or 10.
Tension: 9 sts., 13 rows = 1 inch.
Cast on loosely 56 sts. (20 – 20 – 16) on 3 needles. Join, taking care stitches are not twisted on needles.1st rnd – * K. 6, P. 2. Repeat from * to end of round.
2nd rnd – Knit.
Repeat above 2 rounds until cuff measures 2½ inches.
To Make Heel
1st row – K. 6, P. 2, K. 5. Slip last 15 sts. of previous round on to other end of this needle for heel (28 sts.). Divide remaining stitches on 2 needles and leave for instep. Work backwards and forwards on heel needle with the 28 sts. on it, as follows:
2nd row – P 13, P. 2 tog., P. 13.
3rd row – K. 1, * S. 1, K. 1. Repeat from * to end of row.
4th row – Purl.
Repeat 3rd and 4th rows 15 times.
Repeat 3rd row once.
To Turn Heel
1st row – P. 14, P. 2 tog., P. 1. Turn.
2nd row – K. 4, S. 1, K.1, P.S.S.O., K. 1. Turn.
3rd row – K. 5, P. 2 tog., P. 1. Turn.
4th row – K. 6, S. 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O., K. 1. Turn.
5th row – P. 7, P 2 tog., P. 1. Turn.
Continue decreasing in this manner, until 16 sts remain. Knit 8 sts.
Slip instep stitches on to one needle. Knit last 8 sts. of heel, and pick up and knit 17 sts. on side of heel with one needle. With another needle, work instep stitches in following manner:
K. 1, P. 2, * K. 6, P. 2. Repeat from * until 1 st. remains. K. 1. With another needle, pick up and knit 17sts on other side of heel and knit remaining 8 sts.
To Shape Instep
1st round – Knit.
2nd round – First needle; knit until 3 sts. remain, K. 2 tog., K. 1. 2nd needle: K. 1, P. 2, * K. 6, P. 2. Repeat from * until 1 st. remains on needle, K. 1. 3rd needle: K. 1, S. 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O. Knit to end of needle.
Repeat last 2 round until 14 sts. remain on each of the first and 3rd needles.
1st round – Knit.
2nd round – First needle: knit. 2nd needle: K. 1, P. 2, * K. 6, P. 2. Repeat from * until 1 st. remains, K. 1. 3rd needle: knit.
Repeat last 2 rounds until foot measures 6½ inches from where stitches were picked up at heel for size 9 (7 inches for size 9½ and 7½ inches for size 10).
To Shape Toe
Discontinue pattern.
1st round – * K. 6, K. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round.
Knit 2 rounds even.
4th round – * K. 5, K. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round.
Knit 2 rounds even.
Continue to decrease in this manner until 7 sts. remain. Break wool and run it through remaining stitches. Draw close and fasten securely on wrong side.
Work a second sock in the same manner.
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