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Last updated on June 16th, 2016 at 11:53 pm
Homemade kid’s craft recipes, personally tested by Mya, Angelo and Timothy.
Try our kid tested recipes for paper paste, bread clay, paper mache, and finger paints to save money and inspire your child’s creativity.
Paper Paste:
- 1/4 cup corn starch
- 3/4 cup cold water
- 2 tbsp corn syrup
- 1 tsp white vinegar
- few drops of oil of wintergreen
Add 1/4 cup corn starch to medium saucepan; slowly stir in 3/4 cups water. Add corn syrup and vinegar. Cook, stirring constantly, over medium heat until mixture is smooth and very thick. Remove from heat. Slowly stir remaining 3/4 cup water into thickened mixture, stirring until smooth after each addition. Stir in oil of wintergreen. Mixture will be thin but may be used immediately or allowed to cool, then stored in covered jar for later use. Keeps two months. Makes about 1-1/2 cups.
- 1 cup instant laundry starch
- 5 cups boiling water
- 1/2 cup soap flakes
- powdered Tempera paint color
Mix starch with enough cold water to make a smooth paste.
Add boiling water and cook mixture until it is glossy. Stir in dry soap flakes while the mixture is still warm.
Let cool and pour into jars. Add coloring. Keeps for a week or longer with a tight lid.
Paper Mache
- Large bowl full of one inch squares of newspaper
- Hot water
- 1/3 cup flour
- 1/4 cup water
- Plastic bag
Prepare a large bowl full of
one-inch squares of newspaper as follows:
Tear off long inch-wide strip, holding as many strips as you can easily tear through. Then tear these off by the inch. Completely cover the scraps with hot water and soak overnight. Next, squeeze out excess water. Add one cup of paste to every three cups of paper and mix thoroughly. For paste, use the proportion of 1/3 cup flour to 1/4 cup water. To avoid a messy mixing job, you may place in plastic bag and knead.
Mold into shapes and allow to dry. Paint and decorate as you desire.
Bread Clay
- stale white bread
- white glue
- tablespoon
- plastic baggie
- Plastic bag
Take a white piece of stale bread and mix one tablespoon of white glue in a plastic baggie and knead until bread absorbs the glue. Take the clay out of the bag and knead until soft. You can also add food coloring before you add the bread. This clay will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator.
Make different colored beads from bread clay and string them together for a one-of-a-kind necklace or bracelet.
- paint brush
- undiluted evaporated milk
- comic sections or magazines
- spoon
Dip paint brush in evaporated milk and lightly paint over the desired pictures from a magazine or comic. Quickly cover this painted area with a blank piece of paper and rub the paper firmly with the back part of a spoon. Just like magic the picture has transferred to the clean paper in clear detail!
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