Last updated on March 1st, 2020 at 07:46 pm
If you read a lot of books, then let this little bookworm keep you company – and your place – as you read.
Craft Foam
Paint Pen or Permanent Marker
Floral Wire
Wiggly eyes
Tacky glue
How To:
First choose the pompom size you’d like to use: I used a two inch pompom, but yours might be different. I haven’t supplied a pattern for this craft project as it is quite simple.
Place your pompom on the craft foam and draw a line around half of it to begin your pattern. Now measure seven inches from your pencil mark and place your pompom once again and draw a line half way around the pompom again. You should have something that looks like (Brackets). This is your pattern to begin cutting for the bookmark.
Cut around the lines you made and straight ahead to the next line you made, cut around that line and cut straight to the first line, ending where you began. Now you need to add a little wiggle to the sides of the bookmark. Just cut along the straight edge creating a little wiggle on both sides.
Glue your pompom to one end with tacky glue. Make a pair of glasses from floral wire (you can purchase these ready made, but they are really easy to make). To do this, use a fat pencil or some sort of tool that is round. Starting at the centre of a five inch piece of wire (if you’re using a smaller or larger pompom, you’ll have to adjust this length), wrap the wire around your pencil to form a circle in the wire. Remove your pencil and immediately beside the circle make another by wrapping the wire around the pencil again. Now you have the eye glasses part, just pull the two ends of the wire very gently to separate the two lenses slightly and bend each end of wire back to form the ear rests.
Glue the glasses in place on the pompom and once you are happy with the placement, glue wiggly eyes inside the lense part of the glasses.
Finish off by writing “Book Worm” on the foam with a permanent marker or paint pen.
Of course, you can also write a name or whatever you like on these adorable bookmarks.
Copyright © 1999-2020 Susan Spatone All rights reserved.
Published with permission from
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