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Last updated on March 5th, 2016 at 11:59 pm
“The Strand That Goes Like This” Necklace
designed by Cindy Overland
A strand of purple and lavender fibre optic beads, interspersed with quartz wheels, and highlighted with silver findings and flower pendants.
Suggested Supplies:*
* available online at Rings & Things.com
Project Instructions:
1. Cut a section of Beadalon a few inches longer than your desired finished necklace length. The example pictured starts with 20″ of Beadalon and is approx. 18″ when finished.
2. String a crimp bead at one end of the Beadalon, make a loop, and crimp (following crimping instructions on cover letter).
3. String the pattern pictured (quartz wheel, purple fiber optic, lavender fiber optic, purple fiber optic, quartz wheel, lavender fiber optic) 10 times, then add another wheel followed by a purple, a lavender, a purple and a final wheel to make the strand symmetrical. String a crimp bead, make a loop, and crimp. Adjust the number of repetitions for a different necklace length.
4. Attach one piece of the toggle clasp to each loop of the Beadalon using split rings.
5. Place one lavender fiber optic bead on a ball-end head pin and make a wrapped loop.
6. Add the flower drop pendant to a jump ring, then link the remaining 2 jump rings into a chain, and attach the fiber optic dangle from step 4 to the third jump ring.
7. Insert the donut into the donut bail and squeeze gently to align the loops. 8. Add the pendant chain from step 6, the donut and the flower pendant to the triangle bail, and attach the triangle bail to the large loop of the toggle clasp.
TIP: By design, split rings are much more secure than jump rings. Jump rings may be substituted, but be sure to close them completely so the Beadalon doesn’t slip out!
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