Last updated on October 27th, 2021 at 11:41 am

From Jam Jars to Hanging Jar Lanterns

These lanterns cost almost nothing to make and they make fabulous additions to any outdoor garden area. You can make several in just minutes and you’ll contribute to a little recycling too.
For these candle holders, I used old jam jars. You can use baby food jars, pickle jars, old preserving jars or any jars that have a rim around the top.
Craft Supplies:

- Jar (any jar with a rim will work)
- Heavy wire (wire coat hangers are great for this)
- Sea salt or sand
- Candle (suitable for jar size)
- Wire cutters
- Pliers
How to:

Begin by measuring the amount of wire required to fit your jar of choice. To do this wrap a piece of wire around the rim of the jar, loop it up for the length of the handle and back down to the wire (see Photo Diagram 3). Leave 1 inch more of the required amount of wire and cut the wire.

With your pliers, create a very small loop in each end of the wire (see Photo Diagram 1). Don’t pinch the loop completely closed, as you will need to feed the wire through the loop a little later.
Insert the wire through the loop (see Photo Diagram 2).
With your pliers pinch the loop that is holding the wire tightly, to keep the wire handle from slipping out of the loop.
Attach the other loop to wire, opposite the connection for first loop. Again, with your pliers, pinch the second loop closed.

Slip the ring that you have formed (See Photo Diagram 2) over the rim of your jar and secure the ring in place by pulling tightly on the wire and bending the wire upward to create your handle. This is where it is very important to use a heavy wire. Lighter wires will slip and not remain secure on your jar rim.
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