Last updated on January 21st, 2025 at 09:47 pm
Organize your Christmas cards in a pretty display made from a recycled Pringles can.
This is a nice Christmas craft for the kids or for seniors, especially if you replace the crocheted top ruffle with a small length of pregathered lace. Did you know that Pringles cans also make adorable Pringle Can Bunny Baskets?
By Jane Lake
Craft Supplies:
- pringles can
- ball of red yarn
- thin ribbon
- ribbon roses
- Christmas cards
- hot glue
- white yarn for crocheted ruffle, or pregathered lace
1. Remove the bottom of a Pringles can. Take a ball of red yarn and glue the end strand on the inside top of the can. Begin covering the can with yarn by pushing the ball of yarn through the inside the can, up the outside of the can and down through the middle again until the canister is completely covered in taut strings of yarn. Cut the yarn and glue the end string to the inside of the can.
2. To make a crocheted ruffle, Ch 37 and then turn, 2 double crochet in first chain from hook, then chain one and repeat in each chain until you get to the other end. Fasten off.
If preferred, use a length of pregathered lace for the ruffle.
Glue the ruffle, ruffled side down, around the top of the can. Glue another length of ruffle, ruffled side up, around the bottom of the can.
3. If desired, make ribbon bows from lengths of green thin ribbon. Glue the bows, equally spaced, around the ruffle. Glue a red ribbon rose to each green ribbon.
4. Display Christmas cards by sliding the back of each card under a few strings of yarn around the can, as shown in the photo. Enjoy!
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