Last updated on November 23rd, 2023 at 08:01 pm

This tassel angel craft uses a silky white tassel as the base to make a pretty little angel pin.
I’m pleased to also share an updated version of this project, shown above. Valerie Kearson saw the original, shown at right, on my Pinterest Angels Craft Board and graciously gave me permission to share her lovely adaptation.
Make one tassel angel as a lapel pin for yourself or make lots to decorate the Christmas tree.
These wee little angel tassels also make lovely gift tags.
You may also like this similar angel craft where you make the tassels yourself from crochet cotton: Winter White Tassel Angels.
Tassel (medium size)
Thin Ribbon Scrap for arms
Purchased Angel Wings (or ribbon)
Gold Ring
Hot Glue Gun and Glue
Decorative Button
Optional: For Valerie’s version use a small wooden bead as the angel’s head and pretty wire-edged gold ribbon folded over to make wings.
How to Make a Tassel Angel
Glue gold ring to the top of tassel.
Fold a length of ribbon in half (long enough to reach around the tassel)and secure the ribbon with a dot of glue at the back of the tassel.
Create hands by gluing a decorative button, pin or anything similar to the two ribbon ends.
Glue angel wings to the back on top of the ribbon used for hands (refer to photo).
Glue a little bow to the back, at the center of the wings or write a message on the back of the wings and use in place of a gift tag.
Copyright © 1999-2023 Susan Spatone All rights reserved. Updated content by Jane Lake.
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