Last updated on July 8th, 2021 at 12:01 am
These recycled magazine holders began life as wine boxes but sturdy large cereal boxes of the right shape and size will work just as well.

wine box or cereal box, about 10-½ inches tall, 9 inches wide, and 3-¾ inches deep
craft knife
straight edge or ruler
gift wrap and glue or spray paint
DIY Instructions:
1. Use the pencil and ruler to mark a line four inches from the bottom of the box, as shown in the diagram below. Repeat this measurement on the other side of the box. If you are using a wine box then there may be an opening in the side of the box used to dispense the wine. If this is the case, use the box upside down, so that the hole in the side is in the portion that will be removed.

2. Draw a diagonal line from one of the four inch marks to the top opposite corner of the box, as shown. Repeat on the other side of the box. Now draw a line across the side of the box, at the four inch height, to connect the two diagonal lines that you just created. This section will become the lower front area of your new magazine holder.
3. Use a sharp craft knife or exacto knife to cut away the top portion of the box, following the pencil lines.
4. Spray paint the box in the color of your choice, or cover with glue and gift wrap.
Organize your magazine boxes by color coding: just spray each magazine holder in a different color of paint or cover with learn how to cover cardboard magazine holders with different patterns of wallpaper or textured paper.
Really easy and simple. I love it
Thank you. I’ve made a lot of these magazine holders now but the original ones shown here are still in use!
Love this craft.