Last updated on January 3rd, 2024 at 11:57 pm

Homemade Gingerbread Man Ornament
By Jane Lake

You can use our printable pattern to make little gingerbread men from a variety of materials.
We used craft foam as a simple base but the pattern should work equally well with felt, card stock, or even sandpaper.
To make lots of gingerbread men for use as gift tags, I’d suggest cutting them out of a manila folder.
To make the printable gingerbread man pattern into a sturdy template, print it on card stock, or print and trace onto cereal cardboard before cutting out.
Sewing a Gingerbread Man Ornament
If you have basic sewing skills, cut out two pieces of the gingerbread man pattern in the fabric of your choice. Place the fabric pieces right side together then sew around the edge leaving an opening to turn. Stuff lightly and finish by hand stitching the opening closed.
I imagine the little glittery gingerbread man shown below was made this way, then dressed in a snazzy red sweater.
Craft Supplies
- Printable Gingerbread Man Pattern (about 5″ high)
- craft foam, manilla file folder, felt, fabric or card stock
- craft foam bow or thin ribbon to tie a bow
- embroidery floss or gold cord to make the hanger
- scissors (if sewing, thread, sewing machine etc)
- pencil with eraser
- white or tacky glue
- dimensional or fabric paint
- paper punch and red paper to make small, round button circles (or use real buttons)
- embellishments – buttons, bows etc.
- tapestry needle with large eye

Project Instructions

1. For a single material gingerbread man (not two pieces sewn together), print and cut out the Gingerbread Man Pattern.
2. Place the pattern onto the material that you are using as a base, trace around it and cut out the ornament shape.
3. Decorate the gingerbread man as you wish.
I used white dimensional paint to make wavy lines on the arms and legs. Paint on two simple dots for eyes.

The mouth can be done in white or red paint or just draw it on with pen or marker.
4. Use white glue to attach a small craft foam bow shape or tie a bow from a little piece of ribbon placed around the gingerbread man’s neck.
5. Glue on the buttons.
6. Thread needle with a small length of embroidery floss or gold cord and draw it through the top of the ornament. Remove the needle, tie ends of thread together, then attach to a gift or hang from your Christmas tree.
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