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Last updated on September 24th, 2015 at 09:01 pm
How to Make Suncatcher Doilies
by Kathy Wilson of Grandmas Hookery
These suncatcher doilies are a big seller at my fall craft show. This might be because they make such delicate, homemade Christmas tree decorations. But they are also purchased in larger versions to use as window suncatchers – both before and after Christmas!
Materials List:
- #10 crochet thread Knitting worsted weight 4 ply yarn
- Size 10 steel crochet hook
- Small amount of Gold
Crochet Instructions:
Metal hoops are available at most department stores, in the craft supplies section.
Pick a metal hoop suitable to the size of doily suncatcher that you have in mind.
Crochet a doily, in your favourite circular doily pattern, just a little smaller than the inside diameter of the metal hoop.
You can use any doily pattern that you like…make it fit by subtracting or adding rounds in pattern.
Spray the doily with spray starch and press flat. Center doily on the inside of the metal hoop. Use crochet thread to attach the doily to the hoop at any points of the doily of your choosing. Be sure that you can pull the doily taunt when tying it to the metal hoop..this gives the doily a nice stiffness. Trim any excess threads.
Use a suction cup to hang the doily suncatcher in the window.
I have made 2″ doilies using just the center of a doily pattern, and the resulting suncatcher is very effective. To use these hooped suncatchers as Christmas tree decorations, just add an extra looped thread or catch one of the existing threads in a wire hanger.
These suncatcher doilies were a big seller at my fall craft show; so consider making multiple versions for your local fundraiser. They’re also very striking on your Christmas tree.
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